Monday, March 26, 2012

Kopachuck Replanting Party, join us!

Stewardship happens!  Time to help start a new forest.  Join the State Park managers and Preserve our Parks for this "feel good by doing good" project at Kopachuck Park.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 31st.  Pull on your boots and gloves.... see you there! 

A message to all who have expressed an interest in helping Kopachuck State Park. A work party is scheduled for Saturday, March 31st  from 10am-1pm to replant trees & shrubs at Kopachuck and we could really use your help! Please bring gloves, a shovel, and appropriate footwear for muddy/uneven terrain.  Plants and planting instructions will be provided by park staff and light snacks will be provided by Preserve Our Parks (POP). 

Please contact me at 253-884-2514 or respond to this email if you can help or have any questions.

Thank you for supporting Kopachuck State Park!

Janet Shonk
Acting Park Manager, Kopachuck Area
Penrose Point office number:  253-884-2514 

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